Sunday, July 29, 2007

Flying Solo...again.

But, not even. You meet people, you hang out with people, and you do it all again tomorrow. This week's topic is:

Traveling Alone

Imagine complete liberty to do whatever you want, whenever you want, and nothing but the number in your bank account holding you back. Welcome to my current state. On July 25, 2007, my travel partner since London had to cut his trip short(er than mine) and left me high but not quite so dry.

It's easy being on your own. Today I woke up when my tent trapped in so much heat I couldn't bare to be in it anymore (just like the same way I woke up yesterday and the day before), I then wandered over to the people I've been hanging out with at the campground said hello and then went exploring. PS. if you ever get the chance to come to Lagos, Portugal, DO IT. It's bloody hot, but it's a pretty nice little place.

But I told you that to tell you this. Lisbon is not all it's cracked up to be. So, if you think that Lisbon is worth staying in for an extended period of time, I will disagree. But other than that...I really have nothing more to say. I'm entitled to an opinion and when you travel by yourself, you don't have to worry about much more.

(Sorry to cut this so short, but I have very very little time remaining on stupid pay by the time internet situation I am in.)


So here's the story, I suppose. I was going to leave that post just how it was, but to tell the truth, traveling alone is excellent. It's been one day since I wrote that other stuff and though it's nice to have freedom, I realised today on the bus while I had no one to talk to, no one to bicker with and no one to be in agreement or disagreement with about anything, traveling alone can also be lonely. I've met new people today and I'll probably add them to my facebook, as I have the ones from last night and the ones from tomorrow, but real friends only come along once in a blue moon, so even though you may love being on your own and at liberty to do whatever you want, really, everyone's just looking for a friend or two.

So cheers to everyone who I've shared drinks with, thanks to everyone I've talked to on the train or bus, and a special heartfelt muchas gracias de espana to all of the people who I have ever really been able to call my friends.

pps. Being back in Spain and able to communicate easily with the locals is sweet.


  1. I agree that Lisbon was just fine but doesn't stick out in my mind. Did you go to Belem? That's probably where I had the most fun in Lisbon. But that aside, the little town of Sintra just a 20 min train ride away was absolutely breathtaking, and had castles and palaces nestled further up the hills. And was breathtaking. And, uh, really pretty. But isn't that always the case when you travel? I say, "did you make it to Sintra?" and you say "no"(?) and you say, did you make it Lagos?" and I say "no."

  2. yeah,we skipped lisbon and had no regrets about it based on how great Lagos was

    how long were you there for? i know what you mean about the friends things. its weird when you're alone and have all this freedom, and like you said, you just want someone to agree or disagree with or bicker or whatever.

    anyways, keep posting on your blog

    WD III
