Tuesday, September 08, 2009

Guest Blogger

If you check in more frequently here than I do, you'll remember my good friend, Dale Vaughn. As I mentioned, he's written a short how-to guide for those "just surviving" and I had the great honour of being selected as one of his first guest bloggers.

It's a little different from the way I usually blog post, so it was a lot of fun and you might even be able to learn something.

Check it out. Let me know what you think.


Great book, great motivation and a great way to see things in a little different light.

1 comment:

  1. Great post Kai. Inspiring, motivating and very well written.
    Very few people can accomplish what you have and with such integrity.

    You have to make the most of life and I certainly subscribe (in part) to your way of doing things.

