Holy crap Wendy’s Baconator sandwich is delicious. What the hell kind of anecdote is me eating a delicious and huge fastfood sandwich? Read and find out. This week’s cultural topic is:
As you may or may not know, I have been living at my friend James Bacon’s house for the last year. The catch? HE hasn’t been.
While finishing his degree in Edmonton, though not so much finishing as it is doing one entire one, the magical castle of Baconland had been left vacant for the greater part of the last 4 years (save for some months James did a work term in Calgary) and then, of course, until I began to call it once again my (borrowed) domain.
Pre-blog (and pre-me-even-knowing-what-blogs-were-and-perhaps-even-pre-the-existence-of-blogs) I lived here for a year in 2003/2004 during my studies at the University in Calgary. I moved in when my Dad and Step-mom moved to Holland (and moved back once they came back for second semester of fourth year). Rewind to just over 5 years ago: James was an aspiring med-student/doctor. Bacon-parents lived in Houston and visited fairly frequently. We managed to successfully be caught on every single party (two – because it only took two failed attempts for us to realise we wouldn’t get away with a third) to have parties at the Casa de Bacon. We didn’t have really great jobs but big things were on the horizon for both of us. We went out from time to time and had many friends at school, but somehow managed to NOT attract women. We both drove older vehicles that are now no longer with us in car form, and the house was littered with Bacon-mother’s creepy (yet somehow endearing) doll collection which scared us at night.

However, on one fateful day in March 2008, after what seemed to have been an attempted break-in to the Bacon Palace, Bacon-boy and Bacon parents decided to give me the honour of protecting their fruits…or loins…or whatever. I moved in second week of April.
My relationship with the Bacon house has had it’s ups and downs and (mainly due to mismanagement of things I simply didn’t know about) we had some troubles…pilot light on the furnace one day when it was -20C, hot tub heater crapped out because the filters were plugged, a pipe burst in the garage when it wasn’t turned off for winter…but that was pretty much it. The big TV and great stereo system were an excellent addition to my Playstation and it’s Rockband setup and the beautiful back yard made for great BBQing in what was an unnecessarily cool 2008 summer. But alas, it’s a huge house. Too big for one guy and lucky for me, that changed last week.

When James moved back, things went pretty smoothly. Moving truck was unloaded without any major hitches, garage was cleaned out and looks great now, and we have a great arrangement for food. I buy food and cook it deliciously, James buys beer. This is a temporary arrangement, but it works for far. James has had a few roommates over the years, Joel, those two guys in that dumpy place, Steve, Ashley, the crazy old lady in Cold Lake, but things sometimes seem to come around full circle. This time, the circle is James and Kai being roommates (of course, not the roommate by definition or dorm rooms or English roommate standards – housemates). I am unemployed salesman and James is fully qualified to soon be an engineer. Pretty sweet. But even 5 years later, many things seem eerily similar. Bacon-parents live in the Middle East. We still both don’t have jobs (though not for lack of effort - I HAD one and have prospects and James HAS one, but doesn’t start until summer). We still tend to repel women, even though we’ve had our successes and SHOULD have the system figured out by now. Neither of us have properly running vehicles (with the Trooper drivable but on the fritz and the Dakota completely dismantled but on the repair). And of course the (big Bacon) classic clincher? The dolls still creep the living shit out of me
Maybe the Baconator can come over and take care of everything.
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