The Reset Button
Starting over from the point of failure? Vanilla Sky touched on the idea, but that was in the form a "lucid dream". Sad to say, folks, but that just doesn't exist. People talk about going back to high school or university or getting married or buying a house "knowing what they know now". Yeah a time machine would be nice - you could talk to your past self and fix little issues that had come up in your past in their future. This causes problems with the space-time continuum and according to Doc Emmett Brown "having information about the future can have disastrous consequences. Even if you're intentions are good, it can backfire drastically!"
I won't compare it to sports, because obviously many athletes would love to not have taken that penalty or shot the puck/thrown or kicked the ball differently, not to mention that happens hundreds of times of day in tens of different sports on hundreds of different levels to millions of different players in every single country in hundreds of different languages in tens of different dialects and if a reset button existed it would simply be re-reset by the reseter's opposition in an eternal dual of resets and time may even cease to continue. It does exist in some recreational golf in the mulligan, but it also usually results in a penalty stroke. OK - RESET.
Do you think Columbus got it right on his first try? Of course not. In fact, he tried four times to make it to India via the Atlantic Ocean before the Americas were officially considered discovered. (Not to mention - why does USA get a Columbus Day and Canada doesn't? Our 1490s history looks pretty similar to me...) Columbus is kind of a hero, but don't you think he would have preferred to have found India like he had planned? RESET.
It's like when you're cruising down the highway and you see that red and blue flash coming up in your rear view mirror. Hearts start racing, palms become sweaty and studies suggest that an overwhelming majority will reflexively hit the brakes. Makes sense, but if you are the one they want it's probably too late and if you're not the target, you probably don't have much to worry about anyway. You are in control. RESET.
Photography is always a hit and miss. Sometimes the shots come and some days they don't. The nice thing about photography though, is that you CAN try again. No one is going to know if the shot was the first shot or the last shot from a shoot. And the truth of the matter is that it doesn't really matter. Often all it takes is one. Photoshop helps too.
As we all know, my positing has been sporadic at best. A good friend of mine, Dale Vaughn, has a growlingly successful website, a type of open forum for the next generation of gentlemen. I have the opportunity to do some work with it and possibly get some great exposure, but here's the thing. In real life, there is not reset button. We learn from our mistakes and try again. So that's what I'm doing right now - getting the fingers moving, the mind rolling, and the creative juices flowing. You can look for me there soon, but for now, let's focus on not needing that reset button to (re)begin with.