There are tons of jobs available here, but the only problem is that I’m completely under qualified for every single one of the fun sounding ones (and that’s being generous!). I was thinking about just being stupid and working in pubs all year, but then I learned they only get paid like 4.5 pounds per hour and unless you're working in a restaurant, there's no tipping whatsoever...not even on something that costs 2.99 and you give 3. It means pockets full of change (including 2 pence pieces, which are my most hated of all currency pieces). It's sick. But so far I think I’m enjoying my job search here more than I did the one I did last fall. In three days I’ve already received more rejection letters than I did in all of 2005! Prospective employers sure are courteous here…

Last weekend I was able to give my cousin a rest from me piggy backing off of her friends. A friend of mine from Calgary who is going to school in Nottingham came down to London for the weekend with some of her schoolmates. Unfortunately, we started too late in the evening and all of the pubs were closed, so we headed out in Soho. Since Soho is the closest London has to a red light district, we spent most of the night dodging gay bars and packed clubs, then eventually gave up. But it was fun anyway. The second night, after they all had extremely successful shopping sprees Oxford Circus, we went to one of London’s biggest clubs, Fabric.
If you thought clubs were retardedly busy and/or expensive during The Stampede, come to London. People bribe Canadian bouncers less on a super packed night than one person pays to get into this place on a normal night. It's alright though; I’m practically made of money…or at least I was. That is no longer my slogan.
Also, for those of you who were worried, you were correct in doing so. There is no Halloween in the UK. What that means is that I won’t be able to dress up as the notorious Kim Jong Il and as such, I will not be able to display my nuclear arms – but it’s probably for the best. I don’t know if London’s ready yet.
I am currently working on a way to download pictures off of my camera. I forgot my USB cord in Canada. So yes, I’m stupid…but you can’t blame England. I’ve always been stupid.